Julia Baker

About me

I have been with Wycliffe Bible Translators here in Yaounde for 21 years. Even though I am not directly involved in language work, I support those who are, by teaching missionary kids (mk's) in high school at Rain Forest International School. The purpose of RFIS is to enable missionary families to continue their God-given assignments in Central Africa, confident that their children's educational needs are being met. Additionally, about 40% of our students are Cameroonian. The most encouraging yet challenging aspects of my work is the area of discipleship. I meet individually with High School girls who desire to grow in their faith, and we study Scripture, seek to apply it to our lives, and pray together.

Prayer requests

  • That I will remain grounded in Christ through the study of His word and prayer

  • That my health would remain strong

  • Our students would experience repeated transition each year

  • For needed teaching staff each year

  • For those who are without access to God's word in their mother tongue

Support can be sent to

Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200

Write "Julia Baker, Acct: 303433" on a separate note

Payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators